Okay, so i manage to go deal with the holiday and another one is coming up. I'm a little bumbed that holiday always is about spending money on decorations and presents even if I decorated the house and it looks really good.

One good thing with the holiday except for the company of your family is the food, Boy have our compost got some nice food these last couple of days! I recently gave it half a turkey, bread, chicken, bacon and some noodles. I'm stunned that i cant really see where all the food went. When I look in the compost tumbler the only thing i can see is compost mixture and some egg shell that doesn't break down. Also i realized that it takes some time to compost onions, in the future I'm gonna cut them into pieces before i put them into the compost tumbler.
Our dog hates the compost tumbler, I don't really know if he understand what it is but one thing he knows, it takes hes food away. Delicious turkey, bacon. poor dog.
I still haven't got a thermometer, on the manual they say that you don't need it because you will see stem rise up. I do see the steam rise from my compost tumbler but I just want to know how hot it is. I thought that i could keep a record on this blog. I'll try to get on for the next post.